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Wednesday 6 November 2013

Holidays wtf?

Miss blogging a lot! :( holidays make me feel 'half-dead' , really. you know what, i'm soooooooooooooooo bored without my friends and funs too :( went with mummy out to her friend's house juz now and i feel like im juz killing myself becuz she likes to talk alot with her friends about 'facial', well, so i was feeling half-dead and didnt talk to my mum for almost 2 hours, they were reaaallly non stop, zzz, and i mostly juz listen what! :( morningss. EVERY MORNING kay, my breakfast was the same wtf. Maggie, i know right Maggie is not good for health so i did tk fresh milk for my breakfast too :D afternoonsss.stay in home and face to the television and hell yea i was so bored -________________- what to do. im a pig everyday becuz i juz realized that i slp almost 16 hours a day -_______- it was really freaking bored without anything i like to do!!!! D; Nightss. nah this really wtf for being a salty fish in da house becuz mum always watch her favorite channels and i dont have the chances to watch mine. so hell yea i decided to play my phone every seconds what, TWITTER, WECHAT with friends, WHATSAPP blaaaaaa. INSTAGRAM, launching FACEBOOK for commenting on people's pics, liking people's statuses, and read those news feeds. :( sometimes I'd like to lay on my bed and think something that can makes me feel happy. what people call as imagination. hahaha.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Hello. long time no update my blog . feel dirty for my blog =( i miss blogging a lot .. x) Yesterday was Monday, and I planned to do some of my own thing, but I wanted to at least show a little effort at being with the kids, so I did take a bit of time with each of them. (This is my weekly program of spending time about 30 minutes with each of them on Sunday.) I threw a bouncy ball with them, but made it short. Then I went with my mummy out to her friend's house she likes to talk, and I mostly just listen. I actually ended up taking half-an-hour with her; I think being outside did me some good. Then I went in and woke up my friend who was still in bed; we talked for just a minute, and that was that. I also sat by olivia for a minute and we reviewed the calendar for this week since she likes to know what's going on so she can remind us 'ad nauseum.' LOL XD I ended up getting nothing of my own done. So I'm sitting here reminiscing, and I realized what an accomplishment that was: to have a teen do nothing but lie in bed and talk with me is something I've got to appreciate. :-) I don't remember many specifics, but I believe the pleasant attitude of the day will linger somewhere in our memories for a while to come. (is that a joke? hahahahahahahahahaha XDD )